Integrating Firefox and Thunderbird in Linux

By | July 23, 2010

How to configure KDE to use Mozilla Thunderbird as an e-mail client.

  1. Download the script moztbremote and save it somewhere in your home directory. Let’s assume it is in ~/bin.The script assumes that Thunderbird is started by typing mozilla-thunderbird. This works on older Mandriva Linux. The stock Thunderbird and newer Mandriva (2010 and newer) uses just thunderbird instead and you will have to modify the script accordingly.
  2. Run kcontrol.
  3. Go to Components?Component Chooser?Email client. Select “Use a different email client” and type ~/bin/moztbremote %t into the text field. Hit “Apply”.
  4. That’s it! Any KDE application which needs to send mail will use Thunderbird now.

Attach to Thunderbird mail service menu for Konqueror.

  1. Download the script moztbattachremote and save it somewhere in your home directory. Let’s assume it is in ~/bin. The script assumes that Thunderbird is started by typing mozilla-thunderbird.
  2. Download the AttachToThunderbirdMail.desktop and copy it into ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus. You may have to create the servicemenus subdirectory if it doesn’t exist.
  3. That’s it! Now right-click on a file in Konqueror and select “Actions?Attach to Thunderbird Mail”.

Fixing Mozilla Firefox to work with mailto: links. Fixes also the “Send link” feature.

  1. Download the script moztbremote and save it somewhere in your home directory. Let’s assume it is in ~/bin. The script assumes that Thunderbird is started by typing mozilla-thunderbird.
  2. Open Firefox.
  3. Type about:config into the address bar.
  4. Create a new entry, type string if it does not exist already, with the value ~/bin/moztbremote.
  5. Create a new entry network.protocol-handler.expose.mailto, type boolean if it doesn’t exist already and set it to true.
  6. That’s it! Both clicking on a mailto: link and Send link should work now!

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