Category Archives: HAM radio
Termination Insensitive Amplifier (TIA)
I have needed some RF/IF amplifiers for my receiver, so I have decided to use the design by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, and Bob Kopski, K3NHI, originally published in 1999. This amplifier has two main advantages – it has a wide bandwidth ant it lacks any tuned circuits, so it is easy to use in a multiband… Read More »
DigiTIA receiver
The guys at the Solder Smoke podcast have inspired me to do a bit more solder melting and this is the result – a CW/SSB HF receiver for 40m band. It is a bit “al fresco”, with no case, built on a piece of copper clad with modules stuck down using a double sided tape. The rig… Read More »
It has been some time since I have posted the article on building a simple VFO/signal generator using the AD9850 module and a microcontroller, originally based on the work Richard, AD7C. I have received quite a bit of feedback from several people, along with a few requests for improvements to make the hardware more suitable… Read More »
AD9850 VFO/signal generator
22.3.2016 UPDATE – if you are looking to build a radio VFO, there is a newer version of this code available, with more radio-oriented features. I have started to play with amateur radio again and wanted to have a decent VFO/signal generator that could cover most of HF without complicated part switching required. So I… Read More »